Guitar Resources Page

   On this page, I will list various guitar resources that you’ll find helpful in your guitar playing.


Guitar Pro

GP is a great program for writing high quality tabs.  This program isn’t free, but it’s definitely worth it.

Power Tab

Power Tab is freeware, and is a very nice program for creating tabs.  Not as powerful as Guitar Pro, but it’s free!


 Free metronome


Free tuner


Rock your guitar practice routine!

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Notes on the guitar fretboard

On this page, I’ve designed 2 fretboard diagrams for you to use.  The first one is simply all the natural notes (A B C D E F G) on the guitar.  The second diagram includes the rest of the notes as well.

How to read tab

For many beginners, reading tablature (“tab” is the abbreviation) can be very confusing.  This document lays it all out for you.  Feel free to print it out!

Blank sheets

If you’re interested in accelerating your progress on the guitar, these pdf guitar resources will be invaluable to you.

I owe much of my guitar knowledge to exploring the guitar neck through the filling out of my own fretboard diagrams, and applying that knowledge.

Go ahead, print these out and start exploring!

blank fretboard diagram

blank guitar tab and staff paper

Large chord diagram sheet 


Theory quizzes

These pdfs are very important for your development.

If you complete these quizzes on a regular basis, your understanding of theory on guitar will make steady improvement.

Chord degree quiz

Theory quiz

Music Theory drills


Stay tuned, as I’ll be adding more chord related guitar resources in the near future.  Don’t forget to sign up for updates!

open position chords


I consider these 4 scale types to be your basic starter set of scales that will get you through most situations in blues, rock, country and pop music.  Print out these guitar resources and get to work on them!

Major pentatonic scale
Minor pentatonic scale

Major scale

Natural minor scale


Guitar practice schedule

Songs to learn on guitar


Are you enjoying the resources I’ve provided for you on this page?  Sign up to find out when I release more guitar resources.


7 + 5 =